The legendary story of the Eugene Stone knife lives on with this replica offered by KA-BAR Knives and Bill Stone. Using his father's original casts to make the famous skull and cobra handles, Bill Stone touched each and every one of these knives, hand finishing them before sending the blades to be blued. The end result is stunning. The handle is a gorgeous, shiny silver while the blades are a beautifully rich, deep shade of blue that sometimes looks black or silver in photography, depending on the lighting. Sold with JRE semi-custom leather sheath and Gerstner golden oak case with nickel corners, hinges and draw latch. Each knife comes with a certificate of authenticity, a DVD of Bill Stone telling his father's story and how he came to work with KA-BAR on this limited edition project, and custom-designed packaging.
Handle Color: Silver
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Requirements/Optional Files
Use a mod manager since the mod has an install script
Go to a chem station and find the Ka-Bar Knifes Category and craft it
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All data in this mod has been made by Me (TrophiHunter)
Do not upload this mod to any other site/forum
My mods will not be ported to the Xbox